Posts Tagged ‘Robert De Niro’

My Favorite %#@!&*! De Niro Movies

Like most guys, I love Robert De Niro movies.  He’s so intense.  Plus, most any De Niro movie will always have some of the most inventive cussing you’ll hear, which I’ve always found to be very entertaining.  Here are a few of my favorites.

The Deer Hunter (1978).  I went to see this in a theater with my buddies in 1978 (the only way to see it…it’s not a date movie).  After it finished, we all just sat there in our seats stunned.  That’s the emotional impact of this movie.  Some people call it a war movie, but it’s not; it’s about friendship and the war is used as the framework in which those friendships are tested.  The soundtrack is also very moving.

Favorite Scene:  The Russian roulette scene is the one that sticks in most people’s minds and it provides Michael (De Niro) with the opportunity to show what he’s made of.  My favorite scene is when he comes home from the war feeling displaced and ill-at-ease about rejoining his friends; like he no longer fits in.

Favorite Lines:  “Stanley, see this?  This is this.  This ain’t something else.  This is this.”

“I’ll tell you, Nick. You’re the only guy I go hunting with, you know. I like a guy with quick moves and speed. I ain’t gonna hunt with no assholes.”

“One shot is what it’s all about.  A deer’s gotta be taken with one shot.”

Raging Bull (1980).  As boxer, Jake LaMotta, De Niro is perfect at playing an insanely jealous, sadomasochist whose only talent is beating the hell out of people.  Joe Pesci is also great as his brother Joey, who tries to hone him into a champion, all while protecting him from his own inner demons.  I did see this one on a first date in 1980, but I don’t recommend it, mainly because you don’t want to be distracted while the blood is flowing.

Favorite Scene:  When De Niro displays an almost pathological jealousy, accusing his brother of having sex with his wife.

Favorite Lines:  “I heard some things Joey.  I heard things.”

“You never got me down Ray.  You hear me?  Never got me down.”

“You’re very smart, Joey.  You give me all these answers, but you ain’t giving me the right answer.  I’m askin’ ya again.  Did you or did you not?”

Midnight Run (1988).  This is a comedy with De Niro playing a tough-guy bounty hunter out to bring in a white-collar criminal, played by Charles Grodin.  To see De Niro smoking too much, swilling gallons of coffee and being constantly irritated by Grodin, the accountant-on-the-run, is a pleasure and a departure from the kind of role we expect out of De Niro.

Favorite Scene:  I don’t really have one, but anytime Grodin gets under De Niro’s skin, which is frequently, it makes me chuckle.

Favorite Lines:  “Now here come two words for you: Shut the f*** up.”

“Start by shutting up.  I know you all of two minutes and already, I don’t like ya.”

Goodfellas (1990).  For my money, this is probably the greatest gangster flick ever made (apologies to Godfather fans).  It peels the hide off the mob way of life and shows how they live.  I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that, even though they’re bad guys, they still have their own code of honor in their dealings with each other.  De Niro is Jimmy Conway, who is probably best summed up by the line, “Jimmy loved to steal.”  This movie is also one of director Scorsese’s best at using music to enhance the action on the screen and I never tire of watching it.

Favorite Scene:  When they’re all in prison eating lobster and steak.

Favorite Lines:  “I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to f*****’ amuse you?  What do you mean funny, funny how?  How am I funny?”

“Jimmy was the kind of guy that rooted for bad guys in the movies.”

“Never rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut.”

“He had a wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he would slice it so thin it would liquify in the pan with just a little oil.”

Cape Fear (1991).  De Niro plays Max Cady, one of his more psychopathic characters, who gets out of prison and returns to haunt the attorney who had done a poor job of defending him.  Cady is lean, mean, covered in tattoos and delivers a truly creepy southern drawl while seemingly always being one step ahead of the law.  Good flick.

Favorite Scene:  The scene at the school where Cady starts seducing the attorney’s young daughter.  Pretty creepy.

Favorite Lines:  “Counselor…could you be there?  Come out, come out wherever you are.”

“I could get upset.  Things could get out of hand.”

“You’re gonna learn about loss.”

This Boy’s Life (1993).  Here, De Niro plays Dwight, the knuckleheaded stepfather of Leo DiCaprio.  Dwight is a horrendously insecure bully, who makes everyone around him miserable.  I love this movie and a young DiCaprio is great in it.

Favorite Scene:  The Turkey Shoot where Dwight is exposed as the idiot that he is.

Favorite Lines:  “Liar, whore, liar, whore and you know it!”

“Shut your pie hole!”

“I know a thing or two about a thing or two.”

“You can get it doggy-style or you can get it laying on your side. Those are your only choices. This is my house and I get to say.  Got it?”

Casino (1995).  Another De Niro/Pesci/Scorsese classic, this one takes place in the world of Vegas casinos.  De Niro plays Sam Rothstein, who’s called by the mob to run the day-to-day operations at the Tangiers Casino.  Pesci plays the mob enforcer.  There’s lots of action and lots of great Pesci cussing in this one.  The inside look into the world of casinos is very cool, but the characters are what drive this movie.

Favorite Scene:  When De Niro is meeting with the banker, Pesci shows up and starts threatening him.    

Favorite Lines:  “And just about the time that I’m comin’ out of jail, hopefully, you’ll be coming out of your coma.  And guess what?  I’ll split your f*****’ head open again.  ‘Cause I’m f*****’ stupid.  I don’t give a f*** about jail.  That’s my business.  That’s what I do.”

“The longer they play, the more they lose, and in the end, we get it all.”        

David (Adopt a dog or cat today!)